Welcome to my tutorials pages.
I hope these quick tutorials from some of my work will be helpful for you. They are presented here as just one way of doing things. Every artist develops her own way of approaching the work and no one way is "The Right Way". There are some basic things that will help any artist on their way. The first is a good grasp of scale. I have included a few line drawings of the human body scale for reference here. These drawings were given to me many years ago and I don't know who to credit with the drawing. They are not reproduced here for monetary gain, only for reference. You can download the pictures and resize them either on your computer or a copy machine to use for any size sculpt you need.
Right now there are only two tutorials here--there will be more in the future.
The first is a full body sculpt. This must by definition be nude so if you are in any way offended by artistic nudity please do not open these pages.
The second is of the head and face.